Enhance your child's bone health with calcium-rich foods. Know the top choices to strengthen and support bones.
Cow's milk is the gold standard, providing 30% DV calcium per cup. Opt for low-fat or fat-free.
Opt for low-fat versions and use cheese to top veggies, pasta, etc.
Many popular juice brands contain 30% DV calcium per serving.
Choose fortified soy milk and soymilk yogurt.
A versatile protein source that provides calcium and other nutrients.
These small fish have soft and edible bones, providing lots of calcium.
One of the best vegetable sources, providing over 5% DV calcium per serving.
About 8% DV calcium in a 1-ounce serving.
White beans, chickpeas, navy beans, and baked beans all provide some calcium.
Also packed with probiotics. Choose plain yogurt and add fresh fruit.