- Play Dr. Dentist
- Try Doll Hygiene
- Engage In Play-Doh Flossing
- Try Germ Paint
- Where Is The Germ?
- The Hygiene Game
The word ‘hygiene’ is sourced from the Greek Goddess Hygeia's name. She was the divine overseeing cleanliness and hygiene back in the day. Romans know her as Salus. Hygiene itself has an ancient origin in many civilizations, such as the Greeks, Harappans, Aztecs, and more. Cleanliness has always been treated with equal fervor and respect as Godliness in the countries where these civilizations had begun.
Since India is a tropical country with humid heat, it is important for its inhabitants to maintain proper hygiene, like their Indus Valley ancestors. And it is ideal to teach these habits early to kids, to ensure they are well-inculcated. With modernization, pollution levels and the advent of modern viral diseases like COVID-19 have risen. To ensure your kids stay safe and healthy, teach them basic hygiene now. If they are uninterested, try this guide with creative exercises to teach children the importance of hygiene.
Hygiene And Its Benefits
Hygiene has several health benefits for kids. It,
1. Helps control the spread of germs and bacteria.
2. Lowers the risk of multiple viral and infectious diseases among children.
3. Enhances their self-esteem by helping them appear groomed and polished.
4. Ensures your kids develop healthy habits.
5. Helps preteens deal better with puberty and all its changes.
Creative Activities To Teach Kids The Importance Of Hygiene
Play Dr. Dentist
Doctor Dentist is a make-believe acting game for young children after they have been taught the basics of dental hygiene. For example, the parent can be a patient suffering from cavities. Their child will be the Dentist and guide them on taking care of their teeth daily, from flossing to mouth washing to brushing. This will ensure kids remember all the ways to take care of their teeth, while enjoying a fun game.
Try Doll Hygiene
Doll hygiene is an excellent way to teach your kids how to maintain hygiene and take care of their dolls. Teach them how to patiently brush and untangle hair knots, gently wipe their face clean after splashing water, or change and wear clothes according to the weather and occasion. This will keep your kids invested while teaching them valuable hygiene tips.
Engage In Play-Doh Flossing

Play-doh flossing is another fun and creative way to impress the boons of flossing upon children. Take an empty ice cube tray and flip it upside down. In between the raised blocks, stick some Play-Doh in. Your kid will have to floss and remove the Play-Doh food bits from the icy teeth. Play-doh flossing will be a hit among your kids, a fun activity that can be made competitive and party-friendly.
Try Germ Paint
Germ paint is an excellent way to teach kids how germs transfer by touch and close contact. Take some paint and put it in your hand before pretending to sneeze. Then move around the house as you would, adjusting something here and filling a water bottle there with your painted hands, leaving a trail of paint germs for your kids to follow. Let them take turns spreading the germ paint to keep them engrossed in learning and playing hygiene games.
Where Is The Germ?
Where is the germ? is a popular hygiene mystery game. For this game, a bowl of chits is kept with germ investigators and germ spreaders written in them. After choosing, everyone is to keep their heads down and eyes shut. Only the spreaders will move about the room. Their fingers will be doused in glitter, and they will touch various people and objects throughout the room. Only after you give a verbal signal will the rest open their eyes. Now, it is up to the germ investigators to trace and clean the glitter. The first one to clear their room or row before time is up wins.
The Hygiene Game

The hygiene game is a popular way of using positive reinforcement to make kids feel more inclined to engage in healthy hygiene. For this, every time your kid completes their hygienic necessities, like brushing, flossing, showering, cleaning the room, and putting clothes in for laundry, they get a sticker. Once they hit their assigned sticker target for the day, they can turn them in for a special mini reward or privilege at home. This makes kids far more inclined to be hygienic without pressuring them.

Hygiene is no joke. It is highly crucial, especially in this summer heat, with the approaching monsoon. As lack of proper hygiene can also lead to certain skin disorders and problems like pimples, acne, and dandruff in hair, it is ideal to warn your kids early, especially if they are approaching puberty. While young kids may take some time to develop proper hygienic habits, it is vital to teach older kids to take care of themselves as well. So, give this guide a try and watch your kid’s health and hygiene thrive in the long run.
The views expressed are that of the expert alone.
The information provided in this content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet, exercise, or medication routines.