- Squats
- Bicycle Crunches
- Jumping Jacks
- Child’s Pose
- Superman Pose
- Plank
- Leg raises
- Swimming
Most children are sedentary and full of academic and extracurricular obligations. However, while debates and quizzes are food for thought, they do little for the stomach. After long hours of practice, kids often end up splurging and eating out, leading to fast food intake and its harmful after-effects. Also, a sedentary life leads to poor digestive and metabolic health in kids, not to mention heartburn and bloating.
This is due to a dearth of fun, play, and exercise in their lives, along with unhealthy diets and lifestyles. Therefore, parents need to ensure their kids put their devices down, go out to play, and be active. If their schedule does not allow them to engage in daily games or playtime, then it is time for your kids to try these exercises to boost their digestive health.
Exercises To Promote Healthy Digestion In Kids

1. Squats
Squats are an excellent exercise for improving resilience and fitness while toning the lower abdomen, hips, and upper thigh muscles. For this, all your kid needs to do is hold their hands in the praying position in front of them, with fingers clasped and elbows angled out. Stand with feet evenly apart and toes slightly pointed out before squatting down. They should only squat as low as they can without raising their heels off the ground or altering their posture. Doing three sets of this is ideal, starting at 10 repetitions each.
2. Bicycle Crunches
Ideal for engaging core muscles while improving blood circulation in the abdomen and enhancing digestion, bicycle crunches are rather fun for kids to do. All they must do is lie on the ground on their backs. Their arms should be by their side, palms resting on the floor. Now, they should simply lie back and let their feet mimic the pedaling motion of cycling. Start with 10 reps of three sets.
3. Jumping Jacks
Jumping jacks are an excellent full-body workout that always ensures full participation of your kid’s abdominal muscles. For this exercise, all your kid needs to do is coordinate their hand and foot movement. They should stand normally, with their feet together and arms by their side. But when their feet jump apart, their arms should rise at the same time and become parallel to the ground. Again, they should jump back to the normal position, with their hands and feet coordinating again. This entire process needs to be quick and efficient, starting with 3 sets of 15 reps each.
4. Child’s Pose

The child’s pose, also known as balasana in yoga, involves kids getting down on all fours before slightly sitting back on their ankles and bending forward. Their arms should be stretched straight ahead of them, and their faces should crouch near their knees, like a huddled child. This posture enhances digestion by gently putting pressure on the abdomen.
5. Superman Pose
The Superman pose is a fun yet tough exercise for kids, especially as it trains their bodies to develop balance and strengthens their core abdominal muscles. To do this pose, your kid must lie face-first on the ground, with their arms stretched straight ahead. Next, they will try to lift their arms and feet at the same time, to appear as if flying like Superman.
6. Plank
Plank is a powerful abdominal exercise for building muscle endurance and activating core muscles. To do this, all your kid needs to do is place their arms on their elbows in the push-up position as comfortably as possible. Their feet should also be in the push-up position. Now, they need to lift their body on their elbows, hands, and feet and ensure their tummy does not touch the ground. Try to improve their resilience by increasing their plank duration and frequency.
7. Leg raises
Leg raises are an excellent workout for improving digestion and toning the lower abdomen muscles. For this, all your kid needs to do is lie down and let their hands be by their side. Then they need to try to raise both their legs together, in a straight, even manner, before letting it hang a second in mid-air and lowering it. Let your kids master both leg raises first before going to the silver ones.
8. Swimming

Swimming is a wonderful aerobic activity for kids that improves oxygen retention and supply throughout the body while burning calories like crazy. It also helps sculpt muscles all over, including abdominal ones, ensuring their appetites and passion for exercise remain intact.
Digestion is an important aspect of your kid’s health. Everything, from their studies to tests to artistic pursuits to social bonding, gets fueled and impacted by their digestive system. And since exercising helps burn calories and improves appetite, it also supports a healthy digestive system. So, try these exercises and watch your kid’s digestive health thrive.
The views expressed are that of the expert alone.
The information provided in this content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet, exercise, or medication routines.