- Be A Positive Role-Model
- Listen To Them
- Do Not Focus On Appearance
- Avoid Judgements
- Teach Self-Care
- Make Them Self-Sufficient
- Show Love And Appreciation Openly
While popular notions believe in a father and daughter being close and sharing rapport, a mother plays an indispensable role in guiding the latter through puberty. There are families of various sizes and dynamics, and every one of them is different and unique. Some may have a busy working mother and a stay-at-home father.
Another may have both parents working from home and spending adequate time together. Children require spending time with both their parents while growing up. In childhood, they must get sufficient time with their father to learn fun outdoor activities and spend their evenings with their mother, reading or watching a movie together.
Role Of Mothers In Guiding Girls Through Puberty
Once your kids are prepubescent or enter puberty, sons must be guided by their fathers, while daughters should be explained all about menstruation and hormonal changes by their mothers. While this is the expected norm, reality is not always true.
Many Indian families are still naturally traditional, which helps maintain family values. However, it also often creates distance between mother and daughter. In the 21st century, with the rise of technology and the advent of social media, Indian prepubescent and teenage girls experience misinformation bombing.
Various gossip and adult sites provide incorrect information or mislead girls. Girls may also have doubts and queries about the changes in their bodies but feel hesitant to approach their mothers out of respect, fear, and deference. But this trend needs to be broken and corrected now. Here’s a quick guide with tips for mothers on guiding girls through puberty.
Tips For Mothers In Guiding Girls Through Puberty
Be A Positive Role-Model
It is important to be a positive role model for your daughters. How you visualize, take care of, and respect yourself teaches your daughters to expect the same from their future selves. Teach them about their menstrual cycle and reproductive health in a suitable, scientific manner to make things clear and appropriate.
Listen To Them

Listen to your daughters and hear them out. Do not listen to respond but take a mindful pause to process their feelings and perspectives before commenting. Often, parents wait to hear what they want and miss out on the other details their daughter has already provided. You should be their trusty mentor and occasionally a close friend, so do not betray their trust by being a parent in those moments.
Do Not Focus On Appearance
Do not focus on appearance. While looking good is important in today’s world, it is far from being the most important quality in your child. Nurture their mind, body, and soul. Tell them inspiring stories of women who persevered against all odds and succeeded in life. Help them understand that the changes their body is experiencing now will be over soon and that they will always be a beautiful person, inside and out.
Avoid Judgements
Teach your child acceptance by modeling it in life. Avoid gossiping and speaking ill of someone behind their back. Also, explain to your kids the ill effects of making snap judgments about people, as they are liable to be inaccurate and hurtful. Also, people usually return the favor in multiples, so your kid is wiser and better off being an accepting and kind individual.
Teach Self-Care

Teach your daughters self-care during puberty. This is because they should be prepared to deal with getting their periods and handling sanitary napkins or tampons. Also, during those painful days, teach your daughter how to take care of herself by using hot water bags, drinking herbal teas, doing yoga, and munching on a little dark chocolate to feel better. Hot showers and power naps should complete the day and help them begin the next morning afresh.
Make Them Self-Sufficient
It is important to teach an independent and growth-oriented mindset to daughters from a young age. Instead of figuring out who their Prince Charming should be, your daughter can focus on being the Queen she deserves to be. And that can only be achieved by being self-sufficient and independent in their approach to life, studies, and responsibilities. This can be inculcated in daughters by being a role model, sharing inspiring stories, or even by doing their own household chores and cleaning from a young age.
Show Love And Appreciation Openly
If you are openly strict and disciplinary, then be the same way while showing love and appreciation to your daughters. After puberty, girls experience many hormonal and emotional changes that may leave them irritated and vulnerable. While discipline cannot be compromised, it is important to check in and show love and appreciation from time to time. It can be as simple as a hug or a bonding activity daily.

Mothers are an indispensable part of their daughter’s life. No matter how many quarrels, tears, squabbles, and giggles are involved, their bond remains unique in a heartwarming manner. This is why mothers are ideal for explaining and guiding their daughters through puberty. So, hold on to your patience and give this guide a try to make puberty easier for both you and your daughter this time.
The views expressed are that of the expert alone.
The information provided in this content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet, exercise, or medication routines.