- Age-Appropriate
- Suits Reading Level
- Appealing And Interesting
- Read Together
- Online Resources
- Play Online Games Together
- Watch Informative Videos
Puberty is an important part of your child’s life. It is when they cross the threshold of childhood to enter adolescence. Almost overnight, things start changing for them. Their body starts feeling different, their hormonal levels are changing, and their moods swing and alter rather often.
Even your child will be overwhelmed by various social situations, emotions, and physical changes in them, like voice changes and periods. As this period will play a vital role in forming their adult identity, it is critical to refer to the right kinds of books and resources on puberty to guide them.
The rise of technology and social media has ensured that a variety of misinformation is available on the internet for kids to be misled by. Therefore, it is important for parents to remain actively involved in their child’s life.
This does not mean constantly invading their privacy or outright declaring your opinion as ultimate. It means balancing them between being your child’s confidante as well as parent. As this is real life and not a romantic comedy slash family film, there will be no time machines or do-overs to get it right.
The best way to parent a prepubescent or teenage kid is by focusing on doing a little better and being kinder every day. It helps parents stay grounded and focused on their parenting game. Here’s a quick guide with tips on choosing the right kinds of books and resources on puberty to guide your kid.
Tips On Choosing The Right Books And Resources On Puberty For Your Child

When choosing books and resources for your kids, it is important to maintain a balance between their age and exposure to the world. For example, if your child is eleven, then she should learn about good touch, bad touch, and their logical reasons as required by her age. However, if she were thirteen, then she should be given ‘the talk’ in a straightforward and scientific manner while keeping things realistic.
Suits Reading Level
It is important to opt for books and resources that suit your child’s reading level. You may feel their vocabulary is equipped for some advanced reading, but their lack of interest and hesitation with some difficult, unknown words may ruin the experience. Try to opt for more interactive and user-friendly online content and look for colorful and engaging books to appeal to your kids. This will make them more interested in learning about their health and body.
Appealing And Interesting
It is important to choose books and online resources that appeal to their taste. While it is up to you to administer a child lock or keep a watchful eye, it is better to simply explain to your children what is appropriate for them at their age. This will prevent them from making mistakes and help them choose their preferred information sources better.
Read Together
Read books on puberty together. While child-friendly books will delight your kids and help them figure out how to move ahead, grown-up books on puberty can be read by you and interesting points can be explained to them. This helps create two-way parenting. Parents explain what the correct thing is to do, and children respond with their own perspective on it.
Online Resources

It is important to use appropriate online resources for learning about puberty as there are hundreds of websites with fad tricks to lose weight in a week and ‘become a woman’ in no time. It is crucial to teach your child healthy online browsing and learning. Explain what authentic online sources are, the names of the genuine websites that provide authentic information and keep a constant eye on their internet activity. It will help keep your pubescent kids safe.
Play Online Games Together
There are various kinds of interactive games online where users can take care of virtual pets and babies or engage in playing various hygiene and self-care games. These teach kids the very basic life lessons you always explain to them, in a fun and appealing manner. Be it combing their hair, doing self-care during periods, or getting ready for school.
Watch Informative Videos
It is ideal to watch informative videos together to help your children process accurate information better. If the videos are too long, try cropping important portions and watching them as one would watch reels in their leisure. It will help clear out the air and their concepts regarding their own physical and psychological changes.

Choosing the right kind of books and resources for your child is not easy as there are innumerable sources out there. Out of which, only a handful are reliable and trustworthy. So, it is essential to be there to guide your kids and help them choose the right books and resources about puberty. This handy guide will make the process much simpler and more enjoyable.
The views expressed are that of the expert alone.
The information provided in this content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider before making any significant changes to your diet, exercise, or medication routines.